[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

EchoApp (v4.2.4.0) | Amazon Cookie Refresh FAILED 408

From the logs. I did the recent upgrade also but it was failing before that

** ERROR: Unsuccessfully refreshed Alexa Cookie it was found to be invalid/expired... **
From logs on linux, how do I fix this?

I think I have the callback url set wrong

Go to the cookie server web UI, you might need to log back in for some reason. Default port is 8091 if you are hosting it locally.

UI on server runs fine, and I dfid a fresh login to amazon.
Does this look like a good callback url?

If that is all that's in the callbackurl, no that is not correct. That is just the start of it.

Since my instructions seem to be confusing since this comes up occasionally, I just added more details: [GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (or without)


OK, so when my linux hdd filled up is when this started I think. When I finish logging into amazon, the callback url is blank. I don't have a cloud url to replace my local with. Do I need to start over somehow?

The easiest thing to do might be to reset it on the HE app, close out of the app, then go back in and go through the steps of linking it back up with your local server. It will give you the full cloud callback url at that point. You may need to log back into Amazon one more time because sometimes when you save the clalbackurl it logs you out for some reason.

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I am missing something, I have gone through the server setup bit a few times , the hubitat app never sees that I did it. It keeps coming back to Begin Server Setup

Seem to be in a loop, the config page is stuck on go to login page

Got it! Had to restart the linux side, then went smooth.

Thanks for all the help!


Given all the changes in Alexa Guard recently, I am not surprised that there may be some impacts to Echo Speaks, but here are my issues/ questions:

  1. The Three Echo devices I have that support Guard seem stuck in: * alexaGuardStatus : ARMED_STAY. I can't figure out how to get this changed to Home. I can't see any way on the device to change that if this is coming from the device. I suspect it is because sometimes a sound from a microwave or a sound on the TV causes the Echo device to ding like Guard detected a sound. No results from the ding, but it seems to be recognizing it. How can I change this status?

  2. Now that we are in the Alexa Smart Alerts world, I guess I have a feature request for Echo Speaks. Currently, I can turn on Glass Break Sounds detection and/or Smoke & CO Alarm Sounds detection in the Alexa app. Unfortunately, these are always active, whether you are in home mode or not. I would like to only have them active when Alexa is in Away mode. Otherwise they detect sounds which are not legitimate even when I am home. It can get quite annoying. Are these fields exposed in the API that Echo Speaks uses. I would like to be able to turn them on only when I am away. I would probably have to use a rule if Echo Speaks can expose these two settings so that I can use my presence sensors to trigger turning them on and off.

Thanks for any assistance,


Thought Amazon pulled the plug on Alexa Guard...

They put it behind a pay wall.

I just updated Echo Speaks V4 on my Pi4, no Docker, after not fiddling with it for some months. Everything works!

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Just install the update... This is great. I am using the new firestick and the capability is including it!!!!

I do have a suggestion. I am using an outdoor weather sensor that supplies me with lots of data (including lightning, rainfall, illumanance, and humidity). I see that you have some of these as possible triggers. Would it be possible to add rainfall and illumanance? and to allow the trigger to include the possibility of a change in the value?

While that is very specific a generic solution could be to allow a system variable to be a trigger.


This seems odd...

I noticed it missed the last cookie refresh, so I went to the config page and clicked the go to login page button, logged in, got the cookie refreshed notice, now it shows the next refresh next year!

Can this be reset to normal somehow?

The server seems to be caught in a loop.. Cert expired?

Yep, so how do I refresh the cert?