[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

I also have two of the newer 5th gen Dots.

I have an old school original echo. I may plug that in to see if it works normally.

That would tell me something changed on these 5th gen devices.

Let me first say that EchoSpeaks is working fine. I've got a docker running locally on my Synology NAS. Thank you @tonesto7 for all your hard work.

I do have a consistent error in my Hubitat logs and decided to do some poking around.
This is the error.

app:3402022-12-19 02:15:01.176 PMerrorError making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"ASRLS_c1aa08df-ed2b-44dc-9b13-018de79c33a5_1671480900333.0..ASRLS_c1aa08df-ed2b-44dc-9b13-018de79c33a5_1671480900333"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":"Cannot read the request payload as: Cannot construct instance of com.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportProperty, problem: value\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.MessageEnvelope$V3Builder["context"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.Context["properties"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportPropertyArray[2])"}}

I noticed that under the Drivers Code Section... I have an entry called "Echo Speaks WS". It has a different install date than all the other Echo Speaks components.

When I initiated an uninstall from package manager the Echo Speaks WS component is not listed as part of the package. Could this be lingering component of the old install and the source of the error in my logs?

I figured I'd ask 1st before ripping it all out and starting form scratch again.


I get this error as well, but it is from the Amazon Echo skill not Echo Speaks. I always just figured it was the Alexa servers not responding.

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Is this why the HPM update fails on update of the Zones module?


I have the docker container running on my NAS and it will run for several days and then stop. Anyone else having this issue?

When the cookie refreshes I believe the JS schedules the next run and exits; if you set the container up to auto-restart you should be okay.

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several questions.

  1. Do I have to cancel Heroku ...if not will they start charging me?
    2.I've not completed setting up a separate server ...but I'm still getting echo talking .....how long for service to stop?
    3.Did anyone possibly write up "manual" directions?

thx tim

just delete the WS device and driver

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No they paused the accounts and they will be deleted in the months to come

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@nh.schottfam Posted some fixes to ES apps. I've published the new v4.2.1.1


Having some issues with a new install. Installation and configuration seem to be fine. Non "speak" command seem to work in general, but anything that's speech is getting a 400 error. Any suggestions?

R U sure it is not an ordering of commands, looks like you just sent a pause to the device.

I just ran speak, and it is working.

no speech has worked from echo speaks yet. I've played with volume, etc and that works, but any type of speaking results in a 400. Tested multiple echos.

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So in a private message may need full logs from the beginning

ie first hitting done in ES after a reboot.

If it has never worked, there may be a setup problem. I don't see the new update as causing what you are seeing.

Update - Raspberry Pi Zero W cookie server still working perfectly. No Docker or anything else. Just install right into Pi OS in minutes. Pi Zero W's reportedly back in stock for $15.


KISS principle, love it.


I did the same with Ubuntu on an older i7 running my Homebridge setup. Working great and was easy.

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I am having trouble updating the latest release of Echo Speaks using HPM. The update throws a fatal error when attempting to update the Zones Device. See attached.

I tried updating that module manually but that did change the behavior of the HPM update. Still fatal error. I also tried deleting the Zones Device and HPM still failed.

Any help would be appreciated.


Have you tried doing a repair instead of update? I think I remember seeing somewhere that a repair installs it a little differently so maybe that will force it in there.

You could also unMatch it then re-match it and when it asks, tell it everything is updated already so it stops telling you there is an update.


Thanks JTP the repair worked flawlessly.

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