Yes - look through the steps carefully - You almost certainly have not copied the code in step 2 of the server install and put into into the first field (app name) in the next step, as per the instructions.
I finally got it working. I was already pretty familiar with the steps, I used this since it was first available on ST. I tried it a 2 more times on my iPhone using Safari, then tried it in Chrome also on my phone but kept getting the same result. Then I tried the same steps from my laptop and it worked right away. I’m sure others have done this from their phones (including me in the past), so must be something I’m doing or maybe some setting. If I need to redeploy the server, I’ll play around to see if I can figure it out.
Thanks for the help!
I've found that my laptop is a lot easier with this process, although I've done it a couple of times on my iPad. Glad you got it working.
Congratulations @TroyP. Glad it's working for you. I wish I could get it working but it won't discover any of my echo devices. I already posted about this above so I'm just waiting for any helpful feedback/suggestions.
Hi @tonesto7 i';m not using Heroku I have ES locally on a Pi, is there something I should change to address this?
No the Alexa API does not work with shared family accounts
I installed Echo Speaks about 1 week ago. It really works very well. Thank you to @tonesto7 for the excellent job on this.
I'm running into an issue with install. Specifically, when I go to deploy the Heroku app I get an error that the app name given is not available.
I've repeated the process a few times to see if I just happened to randomly hit an already assigned name but it always fails. I found that if I remove the last number of the app name it will accept it but that throws off the install process. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Did you paste the name, hit the space bar, and then delete the space?
Believe what is happening is that the field is considered empty until there is an actual keypress in the box.
Doh! I can't believe I didn't think of that. You're my hero!
I have this error msg in my logs for the last couple days. I went ahead and updated to see if that would stop the error msg. I am still getting it. Oddly my echo devices seem to be functioning fine.
Anything to worry about?
dev:4922020-10-21 03:53:17.454 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaybackState Response Exception | Status: (403) | Msg: Forbidden
Google/Forum searches haven't brought up anything.
Is it just the one device or several, and do you know what command you were sending at the time? Only time I've seen that with ES is when I tried to use a function that wasn't fully supported by the device (I have a couple of pseudo Echo devices that don't fully implement all of the Echo API).
It is going to all the device's, 2 dots and I echo show. I am not sure what command triggered the error. I occasionally just cruise through the logs to make sure everything is working properly. That when I noticed the error. I only send commands to echo when a door is opened or our HSM is triggered. When I woke up this morning I look at the logs and that error was being triggered all night long. There wouldn't have been anything sent to echo overnight. I am going to remove my rules triggering es and recreate them 1 at a time to see what specifically is causing the error. Thanks for your response thebearmay.
Not sure if anyone is having this issue.. when I have echo speak when a sensor triggers, The volume lowers on the echo devices even though I select 80 as volume ? it lowers to like 2.
I have two questions:
This morning, I got the following error from Amazon:
2020-10-22 07:00:02.588 am warn Echo (v3.6.4.1) | SequenceCommand (playMusicProvider(AMAZON_MUSIC)) | Too Many Requests Made to Amazon | Msg: Too Many Requests
What's the threshold, and are there any strategies to avoid hitting it?
- Is there a way to call searchAmazonMusic() (or the equivalent command in executeSequenceCommand) with a parameter that tells it to play the track on constant loop until told to stop?
Going to have to pass this one off to @tonesto7. Sounds like a device polling process may be initiating it.
On your first question, when I've gotten this, I've had a list of devices that I'm asking to do an action, and the routine has been triggered multiple times in a short period. Thinking that there is probably also an outside factor involved (possibly in the Amazon cloud) that is causing the queue to fill up before it can re-empty.
In my case, it was one device that I was asking to do a few different things in response to a time trigger.
I was doing a lot of testing on my code yesterday, so if there's some cumulative limit over a rolling 24 hour period, it's possible that I hit it.
I wish I had an answer for this...
I haven't had the time to watch for the patterns. I know it's related to successive calls within 1-3 seconds.