[Deprecated] At Home Simulator

Simulator child doesn't appear to be obeying the activation switch completely. It appears if the switch is turned off during the "delay" period it still turns on switches when the delay is complete regardless of activation switch state.

Strangely enough, the logs show the switches of all groups turned off when activation switch is turned off.


I noticed this last night too. Still trying to figure this one out.

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Even with the app "paused" in the child settings, it still continues.

Made some major advances in the app today. Time to give it another try. :sunglasses:

New beta on Github.

Last update for tonight...

V0.0.7 - 01/18/19 - Made some code changes and fixed some of the wording. Hopefully it makes more sense.

New version on Github...

V1.0.0 - 01/19/19 - Officially out of beta! (hopefully)


V1.0.1 - 01/22/19 - Added more randomness to Random section.

Gave this a try this week. I did find it a bit cumbersome to create virtual switches plus the rules for each associated child device. Having to think through "how many minutes does this really need to run" seems harder than it should be. Then having to go back into RM to figure out when I needed to toggle all my virtual switches. I feel like having time selectors in the app "between x and x do group 1" and keep them on a minimum of x percentage of time during that time might be more intuitive - no idea if how easy that would be to implement. Also don't know how that would work if you leave at say 5 pm and don't come back until the next day - will the rule trigger for my groups if the times are implemented in your app vs RM. Not trying to dis what you've done - it does what it says, just saying it does take time to lay it out to implement it fully as designed. It also didn't help that my device became unresponsive twice while running it (not sure if it's this or something else; had to roll back version to the 4th to see) - may be something else.

@bptworld Installing this and found a missing } on the last line for the parent code. Maybe I didn't copy it all the way to the bottom, but worth checking into.

Bryan, does the Control Switch need to remain on during the group phases, or is it just a trigger? If the latter, I was planning to set my control switch devices to auto-off for simplicity. Any reason you can see why this would create a problem?

Also, while I recognize this is NOT a random light generator, is there any reason one couldn’t leave the groups empty, and just use the random lighting portion? Wouldn’t that make it essentially a random lighting app?

Great app btw....

The control switch works like any other switch, when it is on the app will run... turn it off and it will finish the routine that it is in and then stop.

I've never tried it, try it and see what happens. :wink:


I did. It works great. You could copy the code in github, rename it "Random Light Generator", and bamm, a new bptworld app! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks like a great app. Want to make sure I understand, the child app has 5 groups that run in sequence. When the 5th group runs, does it end? Or, does it loop back to Group 1 if the control switch is still active?

Yes, it will end

Hey, think I found a copy paste bug in the AHS child code. Look at lines 144 and 145, I believe the variables there are supposed to be pTo5 and pFrom5.

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Nice catch! App has been updated


I'm new to Hubitat and am trying to get used to the programming paradigm. As you describe I'm using a single virtual control switch to control the overall use of AHS and am using a pair of Rule Machine rules to turn AHS's control switch on early and then back off at the end of day. As with everyone else I occasionally need to be able to exclude areas from AHS. So I'd planned to define room level "kill" switches as you describe.

I was looking for a kill switch in the AHS parent or child such as your post here. I'm probably just screwing up but cannot find the child-app-specific kill switch described here in either the AHS parent or child. I don't seem find an input entry at all below the General bar except the logEnable entry.

Has this AHS child-specific kill been removed from later versions of AHS? (I'm using your GitHub Oct 10th drop).


Hi, there has never been a way to exclude rooms from a routine at will. If room by room control is needed you would have to setup a different child app per room.

Yes, Hubitat now allows you to pause/unpause any app at will right from the app interface. So there was no need to have the extra code in each app.

Thanks and welcome to Hubitat!

Thanks for the quick reply!

I already have a different AHS child app per room. I had to do that anyway to randomize the different rooms such that some nights one room's lights are the first ones to on or off and another a different room's lights are the first to go on or off.

I didn't see any way to do that with the Group number concept in AHS. I could be wrong, but if I understand AHS properly It looked like anything in Group 1 would always come on before anything came on in Group 2. I didn't see any way to randomize devices in the same group number.

With different child apps and large initial randomization settings, that effect can happen without having to manually move devices around within the child app.

My goal, though, is to have a single "kill all automation" switch for a given room; not only AHS, but any scenes, SimpleLighting schedules, etc. That way if I have guests stay in a guest bedroom or am hosting a party in the great room, all I have to do is turn just that room's single participate-in-automation virtual switch off. Your Jan. 15th reply to Doug / developer made it sound like that was possible within a particular child AHS app.

As I understand it so far, the alternative you're suggesting would require me to either have to track down every child app / rule that involves that room's devices and manually pause them or else to have to manage two different RM rules for each room that triggered off that single room's kill switch instead of a master Enable AHS Automation control virtual switch I'm using at this point.


Very true, as stated multiple times... 'This is not a random lights generator.' :wink:

But, as one user figured out... if you only fill in the Random Lights section it can be used that way! lol

If you make a 'virtual switch', you can use that switch as an override for any app that has the option of controlling it via a switch. IE. In Rule Machine it would be an 'If device is off' type of thing. I don't use Simple Lighting so not sure if it can or not.

In AHS, this would be the Control Switch.

So, in my reply to Doug, it was more of a 'Use the same virtual switch' in each app rather than this app controlling all of those.

Hope this helps.