[Deprecated] Amazon Alexa Text to Speech (TTS) v0.6.2 - Direct Integration (USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Australia, & Brazil)

I finally got my echos to talk again with this app but Alexa Speaks is still dead in the water for many.

I just got both apps working. Used the same cookie in each. Used the FireFox method to get the cookie and made sure I added a semi-colon at the end. Entered that cookie string into this app and manually into Heroku for the other (along with the CSRF).

Still not working for me even though all the echo devices say they are online.

Update: Finally got my echos to speak....However auto refresh for cookie does not work.

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Yes, this will not work due to the current issue. You will have to manually refresh your cookie (in both apps). This app will remind you if you chose a notification device.

I am getting message rate exceeded errors all of a sudden. I do know that if you have more than two devices it generates this error but a weekly trash message that usually works fine to the single device that I have it directed to gave me an error this morning. Any thoughts on how I can diagnose this?

I imagine Amazon's servers have been impacted by everyone everywhere using this hack on their echos. Does not surprise me at all that they may rate limit a bit more aggressively.

Apps like echo speaks are making large amounts of calls to the cloud.

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It's really a shame I really liked this app but useless now i guess.

Once I get back home, I’ll take a look at fixing the cookie issue. Will probably need @gabriele’s help as the cookie refresh nodejs server is his.

As for the throttling imposed by Amazon, that’s out of my control.

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nodejs isn't giving a cookie anymore. At least mine isn't. After get to the 2nd screen and login to Amazon, and it tells you to close the window, the first page is stuck on "please wait..." it never gives the cookie anymore.

Yes, that’s the “cookie issue” I mentioned above. Amazon must have changed something which will require a change in @gabriele’s code. Since @tonesto7 was able to fix the same issue for Echo Speaks, we should be able to fix this app as well.

I haven't a PC to update my NodeJS server right now, but I think it should be enough to replace the Alexa-cookie.js file with this one: alexa-cookie/alexa-cookie.js at master · Apollon77/alexa-cookie · GitHub

Probably it won't renew your existing cookie but you need to do the procedure again from scratch


I can confirm this works! Many Thanks

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Thank you @gabriele! I was able to update the alexa-cookie.js file on my Raspberry Pi, and then went through your setup instructions again. All seems to be working well again. Glad it was a quick fix!

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The cookie file shows it’s using Amazon.de with a German language default. Does this need to change to amazon.com and English for those of us in the USA?

yes----- err NO

Which is it? Lol

No... you set it when you setup the cookie

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would this work in Aus ?

Possibly... Does Echo Speaks work in Australia? If so, Alexa TTS should be able to as well. It's just a matter of determining the correct URLs for Australia versus USA/Canada/UK/Italy.

Take a look at the Alexa TTS Manager APP, and you'll see the code sections where the country specific URLs are managed. We would simply need to add the correct ones for Australia.

This is the one function that would need Australia specific URLs added to the list

def getURLs() {
    def URLs = ["United States": [Alexa: "pitangui.amazon.com", Amazon: "alexa.amazon.com", Language: "en-US"], 
                "Canada": [Alexa: "alexa.amazon.ca", Amazon: "alexa.amazon.ca", Language: "en-US"], 
                "United Kingdom": [Alexa: "layla.amazon.co.uk", Amazon: "amazon.co.uk", Language: "en-GB"], 
                "Italy": [Alexa: "alexa.amazon.it", Amazon: "alexa.amazon.it", Language: "it-IT"]]
    return URLs

sorry @ogiewon - how would i check if echo speaks works ?
Where is the alexa TTS manager app, app store or HE ?