[Deprecated] Amazon Alexa Text to Speech (TTS) v0.6.2 - Direct Integration (USA, Canada, UK, Italy, Australia, & Brazil)

Maybe they'll offer the option for a Walter Cronkite voice for the news.

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Hi, I don't have a hubitat device but some have translate my project DLNA Speaker from SmartThings, I have mod the dlna speaker code to Echo devices, still a basic functions but it's functional.


With the need of the cookie it's about the same imo.
Maybe the playing music is more featuretastic.

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I have uploaded v0.4.2 of the Alexa TTS Manager App to my GitHub repo. The only change since v0.4.1 is improved live logging and push notifications for expired cookies. Now, when you issue a Speak command with an expired cookie, you will see an error in the live logging and will receive a push notification if you have configured a Notification Device, like Pushover.


Push notifications in action. Great idea Dan. Now if only you could push a new :cookie:


Trying to get it working but getting this error:
Encountered an error. http resp.status = '200'. http resp.contentType = 'text/html'. Should be '200' and 'application/json'. Check your cookie string!

Using the chrome method to get the cookie, removed the " and added a ; at the end.
Not sure what i'm doing wrong.

did you try without the ; at the end of the cookie string?
I am sure I did not need one when I tried the chrome method
but I did for the firefox

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Tried it but still the same error

I have not upgraded to the latest 0.4.2 version yet (not home) but have you tried another browser?

Tried firefox but still the same.
EDIT: after a few tries, i got it finaly working. Not sure what i did different though....


I sometimes get the following errors and the messaging fails:

error'speakMessage()': Error making Call (getMessage): Bad Request
error'speakMessage()': Error making Call (Status): 400
error'speakMessage()': Error making Call (Data): [message:Rate Exceeded]

Any ideas why? I'm sending the message to 3 echos, so it's not excessive.

Unfortunately, Amazon thinks it is excessive... I do not know how they determine what is considered excessive.

You could modify the code to trap the error and schedule() a retry in a few seconds to see if that is enough time to succeed. Of course, that would mean that these devices would definitely be even more out of synch.

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Is there a way to send the message to a group of echo devices, so that only one message is sent to Amazon?

Unfortunately, no there is not a way to do this. Please realize that this method for TTS on an Amazon Alexa device is not really using an official API for Alexa TTS (as no public API exists yet.)

FYI Having a retry after 3 seconds seems to work fine when I have been testing with sending a message to 4 echos. I have it so it will retry a max of 2 times upon error, but so far the logs show it hasnt needed to retry more than once.


Nice! When you are satisfied, please issue a pull request or PM me the code and I will update the GitHub Repository.

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I'm still using the very first release code. If I update to the latest should I delete all my echo devices first ?

Before you upgrade, hang on as I am working on a minor change for better error handling.

As for deleting your devices first, that’s really up to you. What I did was change the label on all of my old Echo devices to Identify them as old ones. The I changed the code (both the App and Driver), and the opened up the app and stepped through it. This created the new devices. Then I simply changed any references to the old devices to the new devices, and finally deleted the old devices.


@anon61068208 - Latest version is now available in my Github. Be sure to update both the App and Driver to their latest respective versions.

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Suggestion.... Would be nice if we could set our own prefix for echo devices.