I just update my hub to Release and now I cannot install any rule in RM5.1.
Trying to install a rule with a trigger on a switch turning on, with a single action to exit the rule results in the following log message:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.startsWith() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Boolean) values: [true]
Possible solutions: startsWith(java.lang.String), startsWith(java.lang.String, int), startsWithAny([Ljava.lang.CharSequence;) on line 8606 (method appButtonHandler)
This happens for any rule I try to install, or any existing rule I try to modify.
I am confused about platform updates. I am currently on When I read the release notes to see what had changed between 148 and 151, I saw the note that 149 was pulled. Yet, 150 says it is updates to 149 and 151 says it is updates to 150. If 149 was pulled, why are subsequent releases referring to it? Bottom line, is there a stable, working release available or should I just hold at 148 until this gets sorted out?
Not quite: There was a single bug in 148 fixed in 149 (RM would crash on install or update). There were other bugs fixed in 148 that are also in 149 and later. The release notes for 148 apply to later releases as well.