Release - Not Exactly Tested First

You do realize - don't you - that this latest update effectively broke the fade features within user routines? At least, where using variables to set them is concerned.

Thank God I was able to roll it back. In fact, I rolled it back two updates because the previous one was causing Zigbee devices - in certain areas of the house which had worked fine, before - to drop off of the network.

There is a known issue with Set Level in the Matter RGBW driver (a single line of code written specifically for testing was not removed before the production build), but I'm not aware of anything else that sounds like it could be related to what you describe. If you would like help making sure your problems are fixed, please share more information, including the devices and exact driver in use and what commands you are using or how your app/automation is set up.


Sometimes it’s helpful to avoid a sarcastic and mocking tone while reporting issues and trying to troubleshoot here.

But it’s possible OP doesn’t want to troubleshoot.


"Release" seems to have fixed the issue. If any other bugs have crept in, I have not encountered them, as of yet. However, the fade feature is now back to normal.

...Cancel Red Alert.

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Fixed in build 197, apparently the issue mentioned above. If you have similar problems, please start a new topic with the details requested above.