Refrigerator Temp Monitor


I did a search on this forum and it seems that we don't have a simple z wave temp monitor setup. I understand that transmitting through a steel box is not ideal, and it seems that no one makes a probe/transmitter setup. Am I correct that this is a dead end? There are tons of wifi monitors available. Is there way to integrate? The end goal is temperature reporting on the dashboard. Thank you all.

I do remember on the SmartThings forum someone took apart a ZigBee device that reported temperature and made a probe out of the sensor. He had to drill into the freezer and insert the probe though the box and the Zigbee guts stayed on the outside of his freezer.

Deep Freezer Monitor - Wiki / Projects & Stories - SmartThings Community

Search some more. I think there are a lot of people doing this in various ways. Here's one I found -

I guess lots of tinkering going on, and I am not against that, sure would be nice if it were a plug and play solution. Perhaps someday.

I have a Sonoff Temp/Humidity sensor in my Fridge. Battery driven.
Been working since December with no issues.
Battery is showing 46% so the battery lifetime is probably not good but I'll know when it goes inactive.

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Wow, there you go!! Thank you and I will research. I have the later iteration of the hub (not the latest), hopefully should be compliant.

Some people put the entire sensor in the refrigerator or freezer. I would think the separate sensor would be a better way to go.

Thanks to a heads-up from @habitat, I am successfully using a Hue Motion Sensor to report temperature, illuminance and motion from inside my fridge and freezer. It is useful as you are able to detect when the freezer or fridge door is opened and the resultant effect on temperature.

Freezer currently reading -18.49ºC and fridge 4.33ºC. :grinning:


I am using Iris v1 contact sensors in both of my freezers and a Iris v2 motion sensor (that for some reason won't sense motion anymore but still works for temp) in my refrigerator. No issues at all, but I have a strong ZIGBEE mesh. The freezer sensors always show single digits but continue to work nonetheless.

Is this the product???

I tried the Sonoff SNZB-02 and they died a quick death in the freezer - battery went I think, on replacing the battery it started working but did not try in Freezer again.

The Hue Motion Sensors are solid I have ~20 around the house - and now one in each freezer and one in the fridge.

Is this the product??

And this reports temperature??

Yes :slight_smile:

The Hue Motion Sensor only pings temperature during an event? Like the triggering of a fridge light off and on? Does it periodically monitor temps even when the door is not touched?

You could try using the "Fibaro FBGS-222 Smart Implant" with DS18B20 temp probe. This would be very easy to setup and is a Z-Wave option without having to tinker around, this is exactly the type of situation the Smart Implant was created.

You could also use the Binary inputs to add a door sensor (reed switch with magnet) and monitor door(s) with the same device.


Yes it is.

I use SmartThings Zigbee contact sensor for monitoring my large freezer (~0°F). The device works perfectly and the battery lasts more than 8 months easily. These contact sensors are discontinued but still available on ebay!


Mine seemed to die after a week or two in the freezer, but I was able to re-pair it a day after taking it out of the freezer. The original battery still reports 78% after a few months of use, so it does not seem to have suffered.

Sonoff advises an operating temperature range down to -10C (14F), which should be OK for a fridge but my freezer is set closer to -20C (-4F). Not sure what is the limiting factor in their product.

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