Recommend a zigbee dimmer for a single 11v led?

hoping this is the correct place to post, I have a single 11v LED I intend to use as an entry hallway light at night.


I need a zigbee dimmer to control it so that its not running at full brightness, as its an "after hours" light. I was hopeful in picking up one of these;

However, it does not work as a dimmer when connected to the Hubitat, it can only switch on and off.

I am hoping to find an answer in the community here so that I can get the hallway lit at night and stop worrying.

I don’t know, and I also don’t know if the following thread will help...but see below...

  1. If you have Hub Bridge, you can try to pair the zigbee dimmer with that.
  2. It is unclear if your LED is actually dimmable.
  3. Which device driver are you using in Hubitat for this controller?