Just sharing.
Hows that? lux is a standard measurement for illuminance
I thought I remembered a previous discussion where some sensors reported in % or something like that. I can't find it now, so I am probably misremembering.
As stated above, also using the Zooz Q-Sensor ZSE-11 for LUX measurements. Works very well outdoors to trigger cameras from day to night mode plus outside lighting on/off modes.
Have it mounted outside pointing up at the sky. Added weather proofing to prevent water from entering the enclosure as it is rated as an indoor device.
The Zooz will measure up to 65,000 LUX and for my placement uses values in the range of less than 300 LUX for sunset/sunrise using C7 hub triggers.
Have it set to update every 10 LUX but can be set for 1 LUX updates. i.e The ZSE-11 does not require motion to trigger LUX updates. It measures temperature, humidity plus motion which are not used in my application, only LUX.
The nice part is that the device will run off of a battery or a 5 VDC power cord. Thus it can be hard wired without the need for battery changing. Or for battery use, the Zooz uses a pair of 3 VDC CR123A batteries which in my case are not installed.
Check Amazon and The Smartest House for pricing.
True. But I guess that is semantics.
Just because some manufacturers decided to report lux in a stupid way doesn't mean there isn't a set of standard measurement units. It just means some manufacturers screwed up.
No standard can force an OEM to "do the right thing".
I think you'd like the Hue indoor motion sensor.
Nice form factor-they can be set anywhere, convenient magnet mount.
Here's this morning's log.
I don't use lux for anything, except the one in the fridge to tell me if it's been left open.
Who needs the metric system anyway? Foot-candle FTW!!
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