Ready to throw in the towel

Regarding Schlage locks, I'm having the exact same issues as you describe here for 3 BE469 locks, and am in talks with @bobbyD about it. They worked flawlessly on Wink before migrating.

Here is my post in another thread you might find insighftul (but unlikely to resolve your issue): Schlage BE469NX connectivity issues / unreliable

Regarding dashboard: I really recommend the SharpTools dashboard. I find it to be much easier to use than the default Hubitat dashboard. Note - it requires cloud access, so there is a slight delay of 1-3 seconds, which so far has been identical to what I used to experience with the Wink app prior to migrating. You can set up a trial dashboard for free I believe, with SharpTools. It might be worth giving that a try to see if you prefer it, or it shows more accurate results.

In every other way I am MUCH happier with Hubitat than Wink. It's a great platform and the stuff that works is great. The lock issue is driving me bonkers though. I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet, but I understand your frustration.