Just got my hands on Moes Zigbee Rotary Dimmer from Aliexpress and connected using this driver. I can see values populated on the UI however it seems like I am not able to control the device using this driver.
Device pairing info
Manufacturer: _TZE200_p0gzbqct
Endpoint 01 application: 44
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0000,0004,0005,EF00
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: _TZE200_p0gzbqct
Endpoint 01 model: TS0601
Endpoint 01 outClusters: 0019,000A
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4
Happy provide any details you want to help to get this driver working with this dimmer module as well.
This is the device from Aliexpress: https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNmNaLu
Moes Model No: EDM-1ZBA-EU
Looks like it is manufactured by eardatek : EARDATEK
Logs when adding the device:
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:12.036 PMinfoZigbee parsed:[raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 F3CB 01 00 0000 11 01 001742, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:F3CB, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:11, direction:01, data:[00, 17, 42]]
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.903 PMinfofingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0005,EF00", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_p0gzbqct"
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.806 PMtraceZCL version:03
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.799 PMtraceSoftware Build Id:unknown
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.797 PMtraceModel:TS0601
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.795 PMtraceManufacturer:_TZE200_p0gzbqct
dev:142023-10-13 08:55:07.694 PMdebuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...
dev:142023-10-13 08:54:57.629 PMdebuggetting device info in 10 seconds...
Looks like your recent Dev code works with module. I've come across this post from last year where the one I have is the rotary version instead of the touch version this user posted: Moes Zigbee Dimmer Touch - #15 by kkossev
The rotary version has LED indicator on the top of the rotary dial. Default behaviour of this LED is as follows:
- If the dimmer is off, LED will be GREEN
- If the dimmer is ON but NOT paired with a Zigbee hub, LED is OFF.
- If the dimmer is ON and paired with a Zigbee hub, LED is WHITE