[Re-Release | Pi-Hole On/Off Toggle Driver ]

I think right now you could create a virtual switch in HE which does work with the homekit integration, then set it up to be a two way mirror.

e.g. the create two simple RM Rules that mirror each other.
1 triggers off of a change in this device and sets the virtual switch to the same state if not already set, and then the another triggers off of a change in on the virtual switch and sets this device to the same state if not already set

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updated to the latest version (v 2023.01.12) and now i can't control the on/off again

[dev:1329](http://{HE IP}/logs#dev1329)2023-01-13 10:02:59.348 am [error](http://{HE IP}/device/edit/1329)java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'FTLnotrunning' on null object on line 127 (method parse)

Let me PM you, I think I know what the issue is for those without the security.

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Thanks to @dadarkgtprince - We figured out the issue for password-less pi-holes and the device code has been updated. Thank you!

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just tested v 2023.01.13 and it works as expected. thanks @SoundersDude !

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Very good idea - I might just do that… :blush:

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So, curious how hard it would be to add a presence sensor to this driver? I notice that if my Pi Hole server is offline, the switch status just indicates the last known status. It would be pretty cool if the driver could report "Offline" if the Pi Hole server has gone down for whatever reason..

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Very interesting. That shouldn't be too hard, my only concern would be false positives, but maybe that is fine.

I'd always be willing to try!

it's deprecated now since HE introduced a ping feature locally, but this can help you if needed

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