I’m I on the right track here ?
So if I don’t want to use HSM that’s fine ?
See how that works.
You could put that in an IF-THEN-ELSE to not set HSM to Night if it is already in Night (or at least make sure than anything triggered by HSM going into Night mode isn't re-triggered if it gets set to the same value).
So I’m not the best with RM as I’m just getting used to it . See in the screenshot it says that rule will only run when time is 9pm to 5pm is that correct?
I only want it to run from 9pm to 5am
You're looking for a "Required Expression" in the prior screen.
Conditions there are what goes in "if-then-else" statements (simply creating an if-then-else will automatically create the condition in the list)
Looks ok.
You'll have to try it and see.
You can turn on the logging and look at the logs if it doesn't work.
Quick question why does one say true and the other says flase under expression ? Should they both say true ?
Because they are opposite conditions.
You probably didn't want that, though.
What do you mean by I probably don’t want that ? I want one to only run between 5am to 9pm
Then the other to run night 9pm to 5am
So should they both be true?
Then that's what you want.
Note that BOTH will be true at 5 & 9.
Thank you for all your help this evening. I truly appreciate it !
I’m trying to get HSM to follow my ring alarm status for arm, home, disarm. However for some reason it’s not following it. What I’m I missing ?
Others have reported that it doesn’t work when they changed their HSM mode names…
Another option would be to setup some Rule Machine rule(s) to synchronize.
Has anyone used the new Stick-up cam pro with this integration?
I added one to replace an existing camera, and I renamed the new Pro in the Ring app with the same name as the old camera (Back Yard).
I then renamed the old camera (Roof) and am using it elsewhere.
The issue I am encountering is that:
I suspect that the stick-up cam pro is a new device type not detected by Ring, but not sure how it remained in place for now… I haven’t been able to confirm the new device name even with Info logging, but if I can, I will add it to the code.
Any ideas or suggestions of things to try? I have restore yesterday’s backup and am starting over from scratch.
Is there anything in logs when you try to discover devices? If it's not in the integration, it'll have something in the logs.
Unfortunately, nothing in the logs at this point (without any of the « extra » logging enabled).
I will go back through the logs though to see if anything came up at any point…
UPDATE: Only getting the following:
I also got the message indicating that a new device was created at the points where this occurred during my previous testing.
I also did some re-checking and it seems I was mistaken, the « Roof » camera is actually the Stick-up cam.
The Stick-up cam pro is the one that is missing. So I suspect that it isn’t being detected - will check the info log’s « apiRequestDevices succeeded, body » message. The I wasn’t able to find the pro in the message yet, but will try again.
Update: No luck finding it in the info log. I am likely missing something…. I even gave the camera a wonky name to be able to do a search, but no luck unfortunately…
I'm suddenly getting a "socket is not connected" error.
Hopefully, that means Ring is doing something on their end that has stuff busted.
But, their site shows it should be up.
I logged in again.
That seemed to make it start working.
No clue why it stopped working.