Does anyone know if single button IR remotes for fans (where you have to press the button multiple times to cycle through fan speeds) has a different IR signal for each speed? I'm looking to buy some ceiling fans and control with an IR blaster and some remotes have specific buttons for slow, medium and fast and some just have a single button to cycle speeds. Wondering if I have to get a three button remote for it to work with the blaster for different speeds?
There may be some out there that work differently, but all I've encountered appear to just use a single command to cycle speed if that's how the remote works, so all the smarts are done in the fan--meaning you'd need one with dedicated commands for each speed if that's what you want. Last time I tried, I also couldn't find any of those that worked with IR (my goal was Bond integration), but the landscape may have changed since then. Good luck in any case.
I was worried that might be the case. I did notice some fans have remotes with 3 buttons to control the speed. Hopefully we can find one of those
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