There’s been a buzz going all day between here and the SmartThings community. This is going to get interesting. Can’t wait to get my Hubitat.
Another smarthings user here waiting for my delivery to arrive. Currently checking out the devices supported so far.
Another smart things user here and I’m also waiting for my hub to arrive. I can wait to see this hub in action and I really like that it’s local instead of the cloud. I excited and can’t wait to receive mine new hub and get started using it.
I have one on order as well. I want to avoid being without a strategic alternative should the ‘rug being pulled out from under you when the cloud provider decides you no longer fit its new business model’ scenario unfold. Also the past couple of years spent following the ST Community give me confidence in the abilities and agenda of the Hubitat team.
Hey guess what??? I just got another notification that my ST hub is offline… oh yeah!