Question on hub crashing

I'd like to remind the OP that if there have been power outages, even if he doesn't detect any slowdowns, to do the "soft reset" procedure.
(Your DB will thank you for it!)


I'm a recent Hubitat users and have not been happy with the reliability of my device. It is generally slow and crashes every couple of days, with the only option left to pull the plug and reboot it. I was hoping for a firmware fix, recently updated to x.x.x.17 but on improvement.
It only uses 'simple lighting' for zigbee switches (8) and Hue motion sensors (2). I have a couple of dashboards, but given the reliability I havent gone beyond simple screen with default on it. Its also set to only use the local network.
At this point I must say I am disappointed.

Are you sure?

Do you visit the Diagnostic menu and click the Reboot button?


"Slow down" is a symptom for multiple underlying issues. Some have fixes. Some don't. Which one do you have?

You mention Dashboards and if you're sending Everything to Dashboard, that can slow you down. Turn off that option.


That's one example..

Bad mesh is always a way to get slowdowns. For another example.

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correction: it did a start on 09 Feb with I'm a recent Hubitat users and have not been happy with the reliability of my device. It is generally slow and crashes every couple of days, with the only option left to pull the plug and reboot it. I was hoping for a firmware fix, recently updated to x.x.x.17 but on improvement.
It only uses 'simple lighting' for zigbee switches (8) and Hue motion sensors (2). I have a couple of dashboards, but given the reliability I havent gone beyond simple screen with default on it. Its also set to only use the local network.
At this point I must say I am disappointed.

Tagging @bobbyD.

What brand of router or switch is your Hubitat plugged into?

Correction, it did a restart with on 09 Feb, but now it seems to have reverted to, with the two restarts since then.

it is plugged into a Draytek 2860

actually, into the network port of the Draytek AP900 access point (which is hard wired tot he 2860)

I know nothing about Draytek equipment, but I know there is an autonegotiation issue between the C-5 hub and some network equipment.

If accessing your Hubitat is an issue from the local network, this may be something you've run into.

Ok, thanks, where would I find a log to confirm this... or adjust a setting to get a log to confirm this?

Have you contacted I'm hesitant to ask you try the lan autonegotiate fix without their having examined your logs first to confirm that this is the issue at hand.

Tagging @bobbyD.

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Fair point, I have sent a request, but it is out of hours, so I dont expect to hear until Monday (US time)

I don’t use simple lighting for any motion lighting, especially with Hue motion sensors. They refresh every 10 seconds and I think they will trigger the rule every 10 seconds. I would try changing to motion lighting and see if there is an improvement.

Thanks I'll give it a try.

I use simple lighting for half my motion ,lighting rules (at least 15 of them), all my motion sensors have 15 second timeouts, there's nothing wrong with sl in this regard.

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There is a fix in 2.1.9 that addresses slow downs when the hubs internet access is blocked.


Thanks for the clarification. I was afraid it would spawn a new instance every time it was triggered and there would be multiple instances running, since there is no visible cancellation of the timer if retriggered. I used to use it when I first got my hub, but it shut lights off at unopportune times so I switched everything to ML.

Will this be out this week?

The issue I had have been resolved by 2.1.9
