I have a Bosch Temperature, Pressure and Humidity sensor being sent to HE via a Zigbee device.
Each of the three types of data are received in sequential messages all to endpoint 1.
Each message has "additionalAttr" as part of the message. Based on how the additionalAttr is bracketed [ ] I'm guessing if I parse the original message I will get:
Mapped data for the beginning of the message
then the additionalAttr ( in [ ] brackets) I'm guessing will be a map in the above map. and the 2nd map will consist of two maps. I have not been able to find any references on how to parse the 2nd maps (if I'm correct in my assumption).
I think: (based on the bracket pairs):
Map = [dni, endpoint,cluster......clusterInt, attrInt,MAP2]
Map2 consists of [Map2a, Map2b]
Map2a = [value:6D, encoding:18, attrId:006F, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:111]
Map2b = [value: %,76, encoding:42, attrId:001C, consumedBytes:7, attrInt:28]
I would appreciate any pointers in the right direction.
04:43:45.683 pm dni:1C97, endpoint:01, cluster:000C, size:26, attrId:0055, encoding:39, command:0A, value:41A1EB85, clusterInt:12, attrInt:85, additionalAttrs:[[value:E8, encoding:18, attrId:006F, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:111], [value: C,76, encoding:42, attrId:001C, consumedBytes:7, attrInt:28]]]
04:43:45.687 pm dni:1C97, endpoint:01, cluster:000C, size:28, attrId:0055, encoding:39, command:0A, value:47C4D180, clusterInt:12, attrInt:85, additionalAttrs:[[value:00, encoding:18, attrId:006F, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:111], [value:Pa,76, encoding:42, attrId:001C, consumedBytes:8, attrInt:28]]]
04:43:45.692 pm dni:1C97, endpoint:01, cluster:000C, size:26, attrId:0055, encoding:39, command:0A, value:42176500, clusterInt:12, attrInt:85, additionalAttrs:[[value:6D, encoding:18, attrId:006F, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:111], [value: %,76, encoding:42, attrId:001C, consumedBytes:7, attrInt:28]]]