Question on event subscription and triggering

I have a Inovelli dimmer switch operating our front entrance lights (FE).

I have a dimmer in the garage operating the flood light. It does not have the association capability.

I want the Garage Flood light to "follow" the Front entrance MANUAL control. And not the ZWave control.

The Inovelli creates a couple of events when operated manually

pushed 1 DEVICE 2018-07-03 3:45:19.065 PM EDT
lastEvent Tap ▲ DEVICE 2018-07-03 3:45:19.051 PM EDT

How do I trigger on these events within RM? I tried a custom command and got lost.

Question on RM nomenclature:
Can I assume in the screen for creating a rule:
- "Select Conditions" are limiting conditions

  • "Define Rule" is really the trigger implementation?


Select Conditions is the place to simply "gather" the devices you'll want in the Rule. In the simple cases, RM "guesses" what you want the rule to be, and automagically fills that in. When you have two or more Conditions defined, RM can't just guess if you want them ANDed or ORed. The Define Rule section is for that. You pick a condition and then AND OR (or parenthesis) to create your intent.

Just to break it down a little further...

Conditions are what is going to be the activator for the rule and what capabilities that activation element has.

Define Rule is where you specify which of those Conditions (the activation element and its capability) are going to cause the rule to become either True or False

If you have two or more Conditions joined by the operator AND, both of those Conditions must match. If you join two or more Conditions with the OR operator, then either of those Conditions or matching sets of Conditions can trigger separate results based upon either the rule truth, or falsehood.

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