Tagging @bravenel and @bobbyD and @gopher.ny
Could a member of staff please detail this change on todays change log?
- ChromeCast: added automatic reconnect attempts.
I'm trying to decide if I can stop using the Chromecast helper app that initializes the devices every 5 minutes to prevent disconnecting.
Thank you!
Keep Chromecast helper. This fix was to address some specific exceptions that occurred in users' logs.
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Thank you @gopher.ny
Any chance you could set Initialize to respect the Debug Logging toggle?
I use chromecast helper but it's annoying to get this in the logs every 5 minutes:
dev:412020-11-25 19:01:14.452 infoconnected...
dev:412020-11-25 19:01:13.702 debuginitialize..
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I'll check the device driver, sure.
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