Question about RM Cancel Wait

Its not that simple

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Now that all of the hullabaloo over the title has gone its course, might I suggest it be changed, one more time, to something meaningful for searching... or we can just leave it alone, and you’ll probably miss your target audience. Just a thought


There are infinite ways of doing this, but what I would do for that rule in RM is something like this:

And here is how I would do it in a Simple Automation Rule:

And here is how I would do it in a Basic Rule (this one shows different % trigger points, but you get the idea):

Other than the trigger points being different in the Basic Rule example, they all do the exact same thing. Good luck, hope that helps!


My recollection is that anyone who has the Trust Level of "Regular" and higher can edit a post title. There are currently 162 community members with that trust level.

It definitely doesn't have to be a Hubitat staff member.

Also, you can edit it back to whatever it was before.


hey @bertabcd1234, I know this comment is from a long time ago, but this is the perfect place to ask a clarifying question. When people say waits are cancelled on retriggers (which I've heard a bunch), does that mean:
A. the waiting ends in the first rule instance and processing continues from there in that instance, simultaneous to the second instance triggering from the top?
B. the rule exits and the second instance triggers from the top?


When we say, "the wait ends", it's a big ambiguous to me.


Although it's more the "scheduled job" is cancelled and so the rule is excited. The new rule starts again (there is only one instance at a time).


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