Question about Notifications App and Google Speakers

I like the Notifications App for it's convenience and I use it for a number of things, but I have one issue/question. I have Google Home Mini's and Nest Audio devices. I generally keep them at a low volume (30-40), but certain notifications I like at a higher volume (60). The problem I have is that after a notification is sent at volume 60, the device is left at 60 and I see no way in the Notifications App to set the volume back. I could work something out in Rule Machine, but the Notifications App is so handy otherwise. Any advice?

If not something that is available and you haven't noticed it, then this sounds like a good feature request, returning an audio notification device to it's volume prior to issuing the notification.

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@jimhim I think this can be done using a variable. Create a variable that looks at the current volume setting of the speaker. Set speaker for 60 for announcement the post an announcement set speaker to the variable amount.

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Yes, I can accomplish it in Rule Machine in various ways, and I may have to do that. As sburke said, looks like a feature request to be able to do it in Notifications App. The app only allows one speaker notification action per trigger. Can't add any more speaker actions after. I guess that would be the feature request.

By that you mean something like what I suggested? Not to blow my own trumpet, just to make it is still where you are heading?

What you suggested would be ideal, of course. I didn't plan on asking for that because I thought it might be too much to expect in this app. It would need to query all selected speaker devices for their current level, probably would need variables.

I was thinking something as simple as just allowing a trailing Set Volume after the notification. Easy fix to at least just get them back to my "default" level. But I would be all for determining - and setting it back to - previous level if the devs were willing.

Without much "skin in the game" for this issue... My opinion would be setting the volume back to a fixed value would be less useful for some, i.e. those who don't have a consistent setting they are happy to set their speakers back to consistently. I'd like to think the ability to read a current attribute value wouldn't be beyond the realms of a typical App, but will not rule out situations I am not aware of that may stop this from happening.


In RM you certainly could make it more than one speaker.

This was my thought using the variable(s). I used to do something similar. Simply read the current volume set it for 100 then the announcement then set it back to the original volume via the variable. This worked well because of whole house music in which we set the volume(s) as needed.

The point of the question is to ask about the Notification App... RM is seen as a fallback... RM can do anything.... :slight_smile:

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Not to dismiss @rlithgow1 's ideas entirely.... Just providing context....

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