Question about Evaluate Rules and Run Rule Actions

Need some help understanding the "Evaluate Rules" and "Run Rule Actions" actions.

From the Rule Machine documentation:

Evaluate Rules: This action causes the selected Rules to be evaluated.

Run Rule Actions: This action causes the Actions for True or Actions for the selected Rules to be run.

How exactly do these work?

Does "Evaluate Rules" force a re-evaluation of the rule truth of the selected rule (even if there is no state change), and then cause the appropriate action to be run?

How about "Run Rule Actions"? I assume this should run actions of the selected rule regardless of rule truth. It seems that we would need to select actions for true or actions for false but I don't see a way to do so.


Yes and Yes.

Thanks. I think I understand the Evaluate Rules action now.

Still confused about the Run Rule Actions action. When setting it up, should we not need to select whether we want to run Actions for True or Actions for False for the selected rule?

I think the idea of this is that you can set up rules that are just actions. You can then call on these actions from different rules. I suppose this way you can set up one set of complex actions that you can call from different rules without having to keep setting up the complex actions in those different rules.
Just my take on it though.

I suggest you would use evaluate a rule in this situation as the called rule can be in 2 states.

OK that makes sense. (I forgot that RM has an option to set up actions (minus conditions) to be used by other rules.)

Thanks for your help!

I am using Rule Machine 3.0 and I have created "Actions" that I want to reuse in several rules. No problem creating the "actions" but I can't figure out how to use the actions in a rule. When I build the rule (Triggered Rule in the case), When I select action for true, there isn't a place to select the predefined "action" to apply on the true action. What am I missing?

Thanks it was buried several layers down and I didn't see it... Thanks again.