Question about conditions

Guess what...this works :slight_smile: You have to use the Maker cloud endpoint, hub can't http request itself (I tried hub IP address, and localhost). Tested changing humidity levels on a virtual omni sensor and it updates the dimmer level on a virtual dimmer. There seems to be a problem with Maker API setLevel command, but proof of concept is positive.

Maker problem:

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Great work around to a point. Ultimately it would be nice to have this within RM.

I definitely have need to find a device level/value, and then perform math on it and write it back out. Definitely can't do that in RM in any supportable way.

I guess I'll have to get into the app writing business, which really kind of stinks from a time management standpoint - but I'll do it because I don't have any choice.

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I think you can do this with @bangali WATO app? I'm not sure as I've not used it yet but it sounds like something it's for?

For the trigger I think it would work, but for the action it wouldn't. For the action I would need something like "max(level - 10,5)".

How convoluted can we get? :smiley:

When one device changes value, use the method above to set a second. Have another trigger that when the second updates, reduce level by 10. Then have another rule that says if second device > 5 do one thing, else do another. Rules on top of rules on top of more rules! :scream_cat:

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I tried to do that with WATO but it doesn't control a dimmer. Only an on/off switch as far as I can tell. So, if humidity over a certain point, switch on, under switch off. But it won't match a dimmer to the humidity.

If they implement a fix for the issue with Rule Machine you found, most of my "variable" needs would be met though. Most of the ones I would like are single integers between 1 and 100. So, lets keep our fingers crossed for that soon. I was looking more into that though...does RM allow for passing of the trigger value out in an HTTP request? I don't see the same notes about %device% and %value% under http request that I do under notification. But i can't tell if it's just not listed or actually doesn't work there.

EDIT: Just tried it myself....IT DOES!!! :slight_smile:

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@Ryan780 Please share what you did....please!!

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You can use a virtual dimmer and an HTTP request and a cloud link from the Maker API to store a percentage in a virtual dimmer. Only issue is the maker API isn't passing the value to the device its controlling correctly. @destructure00 found this. But it has been confirmed as a bug and @patrick has put a ticket in. But I'm not 100% that it will work the way I'm hoping. Have to wait till it's fixed and see.
The ability to store an integer value between 1 and 100 would be REALLY useful. It could even be stored as a device to keep the existing structure of device subscriptions in Rule Machine. Maybe somebody can ask Santa for that for all of us.

I still have Packages of Rules available if you need extras.

$0.00, you pay shipping :smiley:

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WHAT?? FO FREE? I'll take as many as I can get!! :rofl:

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You already have more than anyone else :rofl:

I'm trying to catch up though.

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Hurry up! I seem to have stalled out at 212 :nerd_face:

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Using WATO for device commands

Well, it was the only thing that I changed and this is the first lockup I've ever experienced and it happened an hour after I added the new WATO to match the humidity of my thermostat to a virtual dimmer. I don't have any logs as I don't think WATO creates logs.