Qubino 1 Relay on C7 -- S0?

Has anyone transitioned a Qubino 1 Relay from a C4 or C5 and managed to include it on a C7 without S0 security? It seems like on the C7 it defaults to S0 and I don't get a security dialog box to select No Security.

I don't really want to mess with the Zstick and a laptop, but I'm thinking that might be the only way of including it with no security.

Anyone with any tips on this?


Yep that's my understanding. Note: A Z-stick is helpful in a lot of different ways - excluding/including/firmware update etc. If considering I'd get the "Z-Stick+" version.

Bummer. Thanks Eric.

I have two Zsticks and a laptop I bought for the purpose a while back to flash Zooz firmware, but the last time I messed with it (using a UZB-7) I couldn't get it to join the network... Having said that, I've got the weekend off and nothing particular to do, so....perhaps it's time to try again.


Yeah go for it. If you have trouble post a topic or pm me! Happy to help if I can.

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Thanks. That did the trick. Took me awhile to remember (re-learn) how to use the software, but I excluded the device from the C7, rejoined it using the Zstick set to "no security", fiddled around a bit, and Hubitat recognized it.

I suppose I should remove the Zstick from the network since it will be powered off 99.99% of the time?


Yeah you can or just plug it into a usb hub that doesn't travel and leave it paired - the PC Software does NOT need to be running. That's what I do..

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I've got a Power Only hub in the basement. Near the C7. Think that would work? Leave it in there, and swap it into the laptop if I need to do something with it?

Yep that's what I'm doing - I have it connected to a powered hub hanging off my linux desktop (an older Intel NUC) when not using. I use my Windows 10 laptop for the PC Controller sw / stick stuff.

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Well, I'll give that a shot then. There are 4 RPi's in there as well, so if the Powered (no data) hub doesn't work for the radio, I can plug it into a Pi!


For future search-tool posterity's sake, I recently added a Qubino Flush 1 to my C7 and it automatically joined as "None" for security (which is exactly what I wanted).

I'm using it in my bath fan to control the fan's higher-speed mode - long story short, that feature's control setup isn't compatible with a smart switch, but it works like a champ with a relay.