Pushover does not work with hub mesh?

I've been moving my notifications over to Pushover recently, due to persistent issues w/the Verizon email to text gateway.

I needed to have Pushoever available to two hubs, and noticed that Pushover does not work with Hub Mesh, there is no Hub Mesh toggle on the pushover device page. I'm using the built-in Pushover driver.

Just wondered why Pushover wasn't compatible w/Hub Mesh...

Don't know why you wouldn't just create a Pushover device on each hub. I have multiple instances, although I'm down to only two active. (each hub has a pushover device but most have the device disabled.) I have an active Pushover on my HubConnect server hub and then one on Node-Red. Before I was using Node-Red much, eah hub had a Pushover device and it worked fine. Over the years, I handed a lot of the notification automations to Node-Red and didn't need 5 instances of Pushover :slight_smile: But I know that Pushover doesn't limit the instances.. at least not in the 1-6 range :slight_smile:


Yeah, I did that, created a second instance on the other hub. But I just didn't expect that I would need to, and was curious why why Pushoever would not be able to work w/Hub Mesh.

Ahhh.. sorry, I went immediately into "provide a workable solution" mode. I was attempting to bridge the gap between "now" and whenever one of Staff is online to answer. :smiley:


Been there, "moded" that. :wink:

Even if Pushover would work with hub mesh, I would still use federated notifications to limit the failure scenarios. I do notifications, both Hubitat push and Pushover, directly from each of my hubs.

Oh, and of course a hub mesh failure is one of those things you might actually want to send a notification for. :slight_smile:


A very reasonable consideration... :slight_smile:

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But - am still curious why Pushover doesn't support Hub Mesh.

I remember seeing a post a long while ago from @gopher.ny that notification devices are filtered from hubmesh

Edit: found it
Continuing the discussion from Release 2.2.9 available:

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If you look at the top of this web page there's a Magnifier icon... that's the Search button...

(This is strictly a joke for @danabw because he and I, among many others, point people at the search icon every day. The fact I can say it to him is, of course, Funny To Me.)


Ah, well said, and I did in fact avail myself of the magical search implement, but for some reason (maybe because I had just finished editing dozens of automations to replace the notification device and my brain was fuzzy and my eyes were blurry) I missed the useful info in the search results.

I call "no foul" on you for your post. :wink:

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