[PROJECT] Driver for Unifi Network Controllers

Completely fair! :smiley: Some day, I will figure out what language they use and pull enough from other apps to figure out how to do it myself. My biggest worry is my security cameras, None of them actually notify if they go offline, so I'd like something so I know if they do.

Is there maybe a way to return a list of all mac addresses connected? Would be easier to parse a singular list than make calls for each individual device and shouldn't be too complicated of a button to put on

There is a function to poll the clients list... but it returns a massive amount of data (I only poll it once a day for the driver).

In the meantime, I would recommend putting a Presence Check for your security cameras' MAC addresses. Right now the driver allows up to 10 MAC addresses in there (that is arbitrary on my part, I could not think of many reasons for more than 10 when I wrote it AND I thought putting too many might punish the API). 1-5 devices will get checked every minute. If you enter 6-10 it will only check all of them every other minute (again, in case it caused excessive load for the controller). You can always remove them (and the child devices it will create) once I have a "heartbeat" child driver (have to think of a name for it as well).

I considered doing that, but I want our phones to poll every minute while the cameras only need to be every few hours. Maybe while my husband is off next week I can look at a child app that runs on top of your driver

Updated Version(s):

  • UnifiNetworkAPI.groovy = 0.4.24
  • UnifiNetworkChild-ClientCheck.groovy = 0.1.0 (NEW, added to list in initial post)


  • Additions to support the idea from @forlornlawngnome. There is now a Preference in the parent driver to "Enable Hourly Client Checks". Enabling this option (and Saving Preferences) will add a new child "ClientCheck". You MUST have the ClientCheck child driver installed to use this feature.
  • The ClientCheck child allows you to set a preference for up to 20 MAC addresses to monitor (at this time). It runs a scheduled task that is fairly similar to the Presence checking, however it will only check each MAC address once per hour (approximately). The task will run multiple times an hour based on the number of MAC addresses in the list as it increments through each client to check.
  • A set of 20 attributes were created, "Client 1", "Client 2", "Client 3"... that hold a map of relevant information from the check. Being a map, this information is relatively easy to use. If you wanted to know if Client 1 was online it is 'Client 1'.Status (which would return a value of "Online", "Offline", or "Unknown" if it has no data yet).
    Here is a sample (from my Current States list, although with modified values obviously):
Client 1: {Status=Online, Speed=1000, Signal Strength=-64, Connected To MAC=00:00:00:00:00:01, Connected To Name=AP1234, SSID=YouWish, MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00, Last Seen=Sat Aug 06 17:30:43 EDT 2022, Name=HappyDevice}

The fields for the ClientCheck attributes are as follows:

  • Status = Whether the device is online/offline (or unknown if data has not been received)
  • Speed = The listed connection speed, please note that for wireless devices this is typically the wired link to the connected access point NOT some speed it is getting to/from the access point
  • Signal Strength = The signal strength to the AP but it will show Wired if it is connected directly to a switch by cable, not wifi
  • Connected To MAC = The MAC of the Ubiquiti device the client is connected to
  • Connected To Name = The Name of the Ubiquiti device the client is connected to (if available)
  • SSID = The SSID a wireless client is connected to, although wired clients will show NA
  • MAC = The MAC of the client
  • Last Seen = The Last Seen date returned by the controller, when the client was last seen by it
  • Name = The name of the client as returned by the controller, with preference given to it's configured name (in the controller's data), then hostname (if the controller does not have a specific name), then "unknown"

I have tried to create a client check device. I added 2 MACs to the list, but neither of them seem to be getting any data. I confirmed they can be seen from the unifi side. Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 8.25.28 PM

Has it run the scheduled task to query them yet? It does not run it immediately upon saving preferences, so they will only have the default values (as displayed) populated at first.

If it HAS run the scheduled task (which it should be coming up on, since you posted this ~1 hour ago the forum says)... then there is probably a bug somehow that I need to look into. Let me know if it had the full hour, and if you could a screenshot (or send me a private message) with what the scheduled tasks look like as well.

Yeah, I waited a full day to try to be sure. Guess I should have mentioned that initially! I think this is the scheduled tasks you are asking for?

Well, that is a bummer. That is exactly the information I was looking for, and it APPEARs to be all correct. Ok...

Before I start asking for Trace logs I have one other question... How are the MACs formatted in the preferences?

For example, here is mine (I changed numbers and letters, but they are all still in the style). It should not matter upper/lowercase (as you can see from mine).

That's how they are formatted. In the morning I will try (toddler depending) copying the Mac from one of the devices I am already (successfully) getting presence on to verify it's not a typo in the Mac somehow

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Thanks! If it is some formatting issue then I will still be curious about what the difference(s) might be to see if it is something I can account for.

If it is not a formatting issue... the next step is to enable Trace logging on the ClientCheck child device to see what data is being posted to it from the parent device.

If THAT does not give any clues I will have to add some additional logging back into the parent driver since I did not leave it all in once I proved it is working on my system. Oh well. :sweat_smile:

MACs I had looked fine, I replaced them with a direct copy/paste from my presence MAC, doesn't seem to make a difference so I don't think it's formatting.
This is all I get when I turn on the Trace level logging and run the check specific client. I will DM you the MACs so you can sanity check my MACs :slight_smile:

The MAC addresses looked fine so far as I could tell. Since the copy/pasted versions from your Presence does not work either (but the presence checking DOES...) there is something else going on here.

This error seems to be that the command was not recognized... but it is ALMOST the same as the Presence one (which works), so that is odd. I will have to provide a temporary driver with some extra logging...

Updated Version(s):

  • UnifiNetworkAPI.groovy = 0.4.26


  • Correction to ClientCheck handling of when a device is not found (for example, it is on a different subnet from what the controller is checking by default but is still on the overall network). This was resulting in a Bad Request error when it SHOULD have been showing the device as Offline (because it is not on the network being checked).
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Updated Version(s):

  • UnifiNetworkChild-ClientCheck.groovy = 0.1.1


  • ClientCheck child driver had a fix made so that when the preferences are saved the client data is reset. There was a bug before that once a client was set it would continue to update it but you could not change the MAC because it tried to retain the previous data and reuse it (including the MAC).
  • Second change was a simplification of how the schedule was created for when the client checks are performed. Not sure why I made it so complicated before but this made it much easier.

Hi @snell, I'm giving this a try and I am getting unauthorized for everything but the 'CurrentStats', that's successful and if I press the login button I get successful. But Presence, RefreshAll, RefreshClients, CheckAlarms all show unauthorized. It's gotta be something silly I'm missing but I don't know where to look, any ideas? thanks

PS: all the groovy code (base, presence child, and AP child) was loaded this morning so I should be up to date.

EDIT: It turns out that my site name is not actually the one needed by the Override Site field. After combing through the response data from the general query, my custom site name was actually the 'desc' and the 'name' was just random numbers and letters. Once I put the 'name' into the Override field everything logged in and worked fine. Maybe this is a known thing and I missed it. But at the end of the day it is working. In case there is a difference in my setup I'm running the Debian controller on an RPi,

I'm migrating Unifi controllers, and the new instance is exposed on port 443 instead of 8443, but it still uses the legacy interface so just flipping the controller type preference doesn't work.

What I wound up doing was adding a preference for port number, then flipping all the occurrences of :443 and :8443 to :${ UnifiPort ?: 443} and :${ UnifiPort ?: 8443} respectively. I would send a PR, but I don't see a Git repo. Happy to send privately, if you'd like; or would you consider a parallel change?

I will add a preference in to support Port if the "Other Unifi Controllers" option is selected. It should be posted this evening.

All of my drivers are hosted on my own website so there is not a Git repo available, I am happy to take recommendations or feedback in the threads or as messages.

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Updated Version(s):

  • UnifiNetworkAPI.groovy = 0.4.27


  • There is now a Controller Port # preference that will be displayed if you use a Controller Type of "Other Unifi Controllers". This port # allows for changing to whatever you might have for the port. 8443 is typical (and the default value) but newer versions appear to be using 443. If you are performing a new install the field will not show up until you Save Preferences with the Controller Type (since it does not apply to Dream Machine-style controllers). The driver will check if the value is null and default it to 8443 when performing a refresh, so the change should not break anyone.

I have installed this driver on both my c5 and c7 for testing and it appears to works quite well bringing info in. I haven't tested fully as of yet though. One thing I noticed was with using this driver, my hubs dramatically slow down operations. I am using Hub Mesh for some lighting control where it would normally take approx 1 sec for lights to trigger on, it took almost 10 sec. I'm not sure if there is a polling setting I didn't set properly or what might be going. For now, I have removed the devices from my hub until I have more time to test. Any insights as to what settings I might need to set? I was using this driver mainly for USP-PDU testing.

I have not heard of anyone having a slowdown on their hub from these, that I can think of. There was a case where someone's UDMP was getting overloaded (we never did figure out why) when the Show Network Alarm Data preference was enabled.

The first (and foremost) things you can do to reduce the load are:

  1. Disable Show Network Alarm Data
  2. Reduce the Refresh Rate

Beyond those two there are the Presence Checks and Hourly Client Checks, although neither of those really create that much data.

The big item for data is the Daily Check. But that only happens once a day (based on when you Save Preferences, you can see it in the Scheduled Tasks at the bottom of the device page). It only happens once a day but it queries a couple things that can return a lot of data depending on your Ubiquiti devices.

The USP-PDU should be fully supported (I am jealous, I STILL have been unable to get one) so let me know if you have issues involving it.

As for the slowdown... if you could check the Logs - Device Stats and App Stats... maybe something in particular will stand out there as using a lot of resources.

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