Problem with Zooz Zen21 switch and Zen22 dimmer (not using scene or manual control disable)

@mike.maxwell and @agnes.zooz

Just put in a new Zooz Zen21 switch and a new Zooz Zen22 dimmer. Zen21 flashed to firmware 3.03 and Zen22 flashed to firmware 3.05.

I set up rules to automatically turn off the switch and the dimmer, but they didn't work. I traced it back to the Zooz Central Scene Switch and Zooz Central Scene Dimmer drivers not reporting when the switch/dimmer is controlled with the paddle.

I tried the Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch/Dimmer and Generic Z-Wave Switch/Dimmer, same problem. So none of the drivers that I am aware of, are getting/processing the physical on/off.

Is this a known problem? If you would like me to test, let me know what you need. Thanks!

if you enable debug logging using the zooz drivers, is there anything in live logging when you activate it physically?

Turned debug logging on for Master Bath Fan (switch) and Guest Bath Shower Light (dimmer), nothing showing up in the log for either when I turn them on manually (started new logging right before I turned each on):

ok, do these work when controlled from the driver page?

Yes, I can turn both on and off via the driver page and it works. However, the dimmer never gets the switch state updated until I do refresh.

Just occurred to me...I had to add these with the hub close so probably they have to route through something else. Might that cause a problem? How can I see what they route through?

so both of these worked prior to the firmware update?

I flashed them before I added them to Hubitat, so I don't know...

Can you try excluding and re-adding just in case there's an association problem here?

Just excluded and re-included the switch, still same problem. I do have to shut down the hub and take it closer to the bathrooms, before I am able to add the switch/dimmer, if that might cause any sort of problem. I will move the hub back and then do a z-wave repair but I've done that before and it didn't help so not thinking it will help this time.

BTW, I have another Zen22 dimmer, with manual control disabled and using the scene functionality, and it is working great! The smart bulbs go on and off and the dimmer shows switch on/off properly. But I haven't tried it with manual control enabled.

I would try keeping the hub close to the switches for a while so they can fully configure and associate and then test the physical press functionality to rule out range issues.

OK, I will work on that tomorrow, thanks!

You need to flash them both back to either v3.01 or v3.02.

Zooz changed some things in the latest firmware that most likely broke the built-in drivers...


Thank you for the update! I tried moving the hub closer and excluded then re-included the switch and the dimmer, but so far that has not helped. I have asked for the v3.02 firmware for both.

I guess it's possible that the latest hub update broke something, but the ZEN24 is basically the same device as the ZEN22 and mine still works so it's most likely the firmware...

I don't mind downgrading the firmware, I thought I needed to have the latest and greatest. Mostly I just want the paddle disable and scene control, so looks like 3.02 will work. Appreciate your insight!

The firmware downgrade worked, Zooz has sent the updated firmware to the Hubitat team for testing. Speaking for myself, everything is working the way I need right now so I'm in no hurry to update firmware again! :smiley: Thanks again for your help @krlaframboise!


My two Zen22 with FW v.3.05 are working fine.

My Zen21 with FW v.3.03 is not showing any physical button presses in the log. Pushing buttons on the device page works as expected. Also the 3-way I have connected to it is no longer responsive ... the reason why I found this thread.

I am running HE - the latest at this time.

@mike.maxwell is there a way to resolve this without having to downgrade the firmware?