Problem with Kwikset 914

I just replaced my C5 with a C7. My Kwikset 914 door lock worked as expected on the C7. I replaced the batteries in the 914 and now I can't get it to connect to the C7. I have tried everything except trying to re-pair the 914 to the C7. Any suggestions? I don't know what else to do. If I re-pair the 914 will it break all my rules and such.

I might add that this is a zwave device.

So you moved it to the C7 and it worked and after changing batteries it doesn't? If just changing batteries you should not have to reconnect it.

Yea, that is what I thought but I guess my luck ran out.

My main question I have is, if I exclude the lock and then include it will I have to redo all my rules, dashboards and groups?

I believe the best approach for this would be to create a Virtual Lock and then update your rules to temporarily use that lock instead. Then you can deal with your Kwikset lock and then go back into your rules and put it back when you are done. That way you are not rebuilding the rules at all, just changing what lock is used.

Sounds like a good idea, I'll give that a try.

Thanks for the virtual lock tip. It worked well. I excluded then included the lock and it paired up like a champ.

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Along the same lines you can use the Reliable lock app, that puts a wrapper around your lock and you basically use a virtual version of your lock. Also it makes you Z-wave lock, more reliable.

Something to consider.