Problem with Hubitat App [Solved]

Using my PC it say i'm correctly registered
Using the app not
i'm hitting my head on it. I need help

You can't log in with the app? Make sure your password is correct (you should be able to pull the password from your browser cache. If for some reason you can't, simply do a reset password.

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Done many times
Password is correct

Is your phone connecting via Wi-Fi to the internet or via lte? If vía wifi disconnect and go through Wi-Fi. I will also tell you to set a reserved ip for the Hubitat

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Via WiFi work well thanks
Via Cloud Err404

Within the app, under settings you should see select hub. See if that works


Thanks it work now

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Good deal. As I said, you really want to set a reservation in your router so that the HE always has the same IP


Great to hear, can you edit thread title to add "solved" so others can have as a ref?