Problem with homeseer flex sensor .. not honoring reporting frequency . built in driver

i noticed it is reporting every minute and even tried a configure again still no change.. not sure if it was doing this previously...


You are correct... I found setting the reporting interval not working. The reporting time is configVal3. I too could not get this to change regardless of how I set it using the default driver. I finally resorted to using the BasicZwaveToolDriver.groovy to set this parameter to the maximum 255. This was a little tricky since the driver seemed to only let me set it to a maximum of 127 since anything greater is considered a negative number.

State Variables

  • refreshTemp : false
  • configVal1 : 0
  • configVal2 : 0
  • configVal3 : 255
  • configVal4 : 0
  • configVal5 : 2
  • lastBattery :
  • refreshStatus : false
  • reportedTemp : 79.6

what does 255 signify. dont really want it more than 5-10 minutes however not 1 minute

same issue mine will not set higher than 120.. we really need a driver fix from hubitat

a workaround is to run on battery which greatly reduces reporting time.. but this is no good as house is empty and battery dies..