Problem with Group Bulb Dimmer-2.1


Well, no one else seems to have any other ideas. Sorry.

I just found the same issue with the EcoSmart Home Depot CT bulbs. They need to be in an "on" state for a few seconds before issuing a separate color temperature change command to the Group. If the delay is not observed, changes to the group (or individual bulbs) will be ignored! This is a "bug" in the EcoSmart bulbs themselves, not the Group app. This applies if the bulbs are installed and updated as a "Generic ZigBee CT Bulb" or a "Generic ZigBee RGBW Light".

In other words, the Dimmer actions "Toggle color temperature and level" and "Set color temperature and level" can't be used to turn on/toggle and adjust the CT in one step with the EcoSmart bulbs. You must switch or toggle the bulbs on, wait about 3 second, then adjust the Group or individual CTs in a separate step.

I was trying to set up an Iris Smart Button 3460-L to toggle a group of EcoSmart CT bulbs on and off if pushed at CT 2700 and, if held, to toggle on and off at CT 5000. I found that I needed to insert a delay between the on/off toggle and the CT adjust command. It is important NOT to enter an explicit dimmer value in the CT set command. Just leave it empty, A 3-second delay was the minimum the bulbs needed to be on to recognizing the command to change the CT. Here's the On/Off Toggle if Pushed for CT 2700 rule.

Of course, the 3-second delay is only apparent if changing color temperature modes. If toggling on/off in the same CT mode, the change command is issued after the toggle to "on", but makes no visible change to the bulb. The 1 second delay to the initial toggle command is used to address an unrelated issue.

"Basement Lights" is a group of one GE Link and six EcoSmart Home Depot CT bulbs:

...and the On/Off Toggle if Held for CT 5000 Rule:

