What I'm trying to do:
Trying to send message from an Arduino that has a light color/lux sensor through a MonaLisa to Hubitat to a generic Zigbee light to change level / Color Temperature.
I have the Arduino up and running, sending info to the MonaLisa then to the Hub. I can parse and log the info coming in. What I can't do is affect a change in the light.
The color temp/lux info goes to a Device called 'Arduino ZB', it uses Driver 'ZB Skylight' which is a mashup of Andy Haas' MonaLisa driver and the Hubitat supplied 'Generic ZigBee RGBW' driver. (it's the only driver that works with this light). If I have this be the driver on either 'Arduino ZB' or the light itself, 'Skylight' it works via the 'Commands' panel under the 'Devices' tab in the main Hubitat GUI (as well as receiving the Arduino's messages) so I know the basics of my mashup are OK.
This Driver uses "cmd = ["he cmd 0x..." and "cmds.addAll(setLe..." to change the light. I thought that since the driver on the 'Arduino ZB' is the one that actually catches the messages that maybe I needed to point its commands to the 'Skylight' device using it's device.id and device.endpoint... But so far no good.
Any help much appreciated.