Problem adjusting Lutron Fan Control speed via Pico w/ Button Controller

I changed the cycleFan implementation to look like:

def cycleFan(devices) { //all fans will sync speeds with fisrt fan in the list "Cycling: $devices"
    def mySpeed = devices.currentSpeed
	def newSpeed = "off"
    if(mySpeed[0] == "off") newSpeed = "low"
    if(mySpeed[0] == "low") newSpeed = "medium"
    if(mySpeed[0] == "medium-low") newSpeed = "medium"
    if(mySpeed[0] == "medium") newSpeed = "high"
    if(mySpeed[0] == "high") newSpeed = "off"
	log.debug "cycleFan: mySpeed = ${mySpeed}, devices = ${devices}, newSpeed = ${newSpeed}"

This works better, but the fan control device seems to incorrectly report "low" as its value when set to 100%, per comment here: Lutron Fan Control Behavior

So really I just end up alternating between two speeds. Hopefully that issue is fixed soon. But it seems neither Button Controller nor ABC correctly work with the Lutron Fan Control as-is.