Does anyone know what these are? I'm thinking they are ports to connect the speakers on my patio to a receiver. Can anyone confirm? If I'm right, what kind of cable do I need, RCA? If my theory is correct, I have a Yamaha TSR700 reciver I would like to connect to. Thanks for any input and suggestion how I could further utilize these and that reciever.
Look like AV jacks, so Iām guessing your theory is correct.
They are most likely for speaker-level connections. Are there corresponding jacks on the outside of your house (or anywhere else, like the back of your room for surround speakers)?
You can insert a banana plug into the middle. Or you can use a bare wire into the side of the lug, which would need to be secured with the nut. It looks like you're missing one of the nuts, though.
Those are for speakers. High output, not line-level.
There are 2 klipsch speakers mounted over the back porch with a dial I think is probably volume control by the back door.
The nut isn't missing. I took it off for that top view picture. So it sounds like my theory is correct. Thanks for confirming!
What is the difference?
You connect the speaker output of your receiver to these. Or if you use an audio source that isn't amplified (like a headphone-like line level or RCA output) then you need an amplifier between that and these connections.