Pre check rule - notify which windows are open

I have an existing RM rule that closes all of my curtains on a night and opens them all again on a morning. A couple of times recently, we've forgotten to close the windows and the curtains have closed over the open windows. To get around that I've just amended the rule with an If/Then statement for each window (IF kitchen window contact is open THEN notify phone '%time% - close the kitchen window', wait for event - kitchen window contact reports close, close kitchen curtain, ELSE close kitchen curtain, END-IF). So now at the time of automatic closing, each curtain will only close immediately if the window is also closed. Otherwise, I will be notified of the open window and the curtain will close once I pull the window shut.

I thought it might have been easier to have another rule that runs 5 minutes before the above that just notifies me if any window is open - a 'pre check' if you like. If I have a rule with actions 'IF contact 1, contact 2, contact 3, contact 4 ANY are open, I can send a notification to my phone to say 'Window Open' but is there any way I can easily get the message to specify which window/windows are open? %device% just shows 'null' in the preview. Thanks

I use @bertabcd1234ā€™s excellent app for this purpose. It will announce which devices are open.

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@Sebastien - thanks. I just had a good read through that thread and the app @bertabcd1234 wrote looks to be perfect for what I need.

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