Possible to send osc commands?

Hi there,

Would it be possible to send simple osc commands (open sound control) through Hubitat? Ideally through rule machine.


Definitely not through RM, possibly through a custom driver. Hubitat's support for UDP is kind of limited though which is why I say possibly, I need more info about OSC.

OSC was designed for electronic music instruments, but pretty commonly used other for multimedia applications such as media players.

The Open Sound Control 1.0 Specification | opensoundcontrol.org has some specs how to build OSC packets. Not sure how hard it would be to write a custom driver?

Right but that protocol allows multiple transport options. Is it over tcp? Udp? Something else? Reading the documentation it sounds like it depends on the device and implementations

UDP as far as I can tell.
Not sure if this is helpful? osc - GoDoc

It’s hard to tell. If it is UDP then HE can only receive a single response message when it sends a command. The documentation didn’t make it close of that would work.

Trying to find something to start. Can you tell if this python library would be useful?


I’m far from an expert in osc but I only see that library letting you send commands. I don’t see anyway to read a response back from the server?

I won't need a response, just "simply" send a few commands

Then it should be doable

@johnq did you succeed?

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