Possible Bug:Rules not listed when 'Update these rules' field used

Nothing to serious but I have just written an RM trigger that then 'Update these rules (renews device subscriptions and schedules, causes rule evaluation)' as below.

As you can see below it doesn't show the rules that have been selected.
If I pick 'Evaluate these rules' or 'Run Actions of these rules' it does show them.
Like I say, no big deal but something you may want to correct on your next update of RM.


Yes, I'm aware of this. I was actually planning to deprecate Update Rules.

It has a somewhat sordid history, dating back to an era in ST when schedules and subscriptions were routinely going AWOL in the cloud db. ST came out with a button in the IDE to update an app, which was a ludicrous solution to the problem. So I added that action to RM for the same reason.

What makes you want to use this?

I have a rule to turn hot water on if at home and time is between 6am and 10pm.
Only just wrote it and works OK initially.
If I set mode to away during this time frame it turns off. Great.
If I then set to day and are still in the time frame it does not turn on.
To get round this I wrote a trigger that if mode changes to day, then evaluate the first rule. Hot water then turns on.

Well thats a strange one.
Tested it again today and now my original rule works OK when the mode changes back from away.
I've deleted the Rule to re-evaluate these rules and all is good.
All's well that ends well. :slight_smile:
As an aside @bravenel when a new rule is defined, like the one above, would you expect it to work fully until its gone through a full cycle.
I'm just wondering as every thing is fine now it has gone through a cycle and I'm sure I may have seen this before. Not necessarily with RM. May have been webCoRE as well. Can't really say. The old grey cells aren't what they used to be.
Like I say, all is good now but was just wondering.

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No, it will work right away, In fact, when you hit Done in a rule, either when first defined or later, it immediately evaluates the rule and acts accordingly.

Probably didn't make myself very clear.
It did work straight away when it was defined as all conditions were true and it turned on to 'heat'.
When mode went to away it turned off but didn't turn on again when mode changed back to Day.
Now it does hence the question. Like I say, just wondering.
Thanks again.

Well, without detailed logs, it is not possible to say what happened. It is possible that a Z-Wave command can be lost, and never get to a device. I'd be more inclined to think that would be the explanation than that RM didn't run. Or that the mode didn't change as expected.. But, no telling...

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