
Polling applies to ZWave Switches, Dimmers and Outlets. In fact, the Patent that caused vendors to NOT send status applied to Dimmers only BUT certain vendors took a 'safe path' and just left it off switches and outlets too. That Patent expired AND ZWave arrived at a different mechanism, not knowing if Lutron would allow the patent to expire. Therefore, all you need to add to ZWave Poller are the specific devices that 1) don't provide status and 2) are needed in some automation, even if that's only the Dashboard.

You can detect ZWave + via the Device Info page and near the bottom is the Data row. On there is:
inClusters: 0x5E,0 <-- 0x5E is ZWave +

So...ignore non-dimmers, non-switches, ignore ZWave plus devices, ignore devices you don't need status from, and put the rest into ZWave Poller.