Plug in motion sensor

Any one experience these?

That's not a plug in motion sensor....that's a wireless motion sensor and a receiver. That isn't a Hubitat supported device. This is the danger of searching ebay for the word Zigbee. Also, it says it charges via usb...not powers the device to work via usb.


But the device requires their gateway so is not ZHA1.2 compatible so would not work with HE (most likely).

I preordered this from banggood and it ships soon so will see if it works.
The hub is listed as zigbee 3.0 so would think so is this device but I'll have to wait and see.

Some of us purchased Konke temperature/humidity sensors - also advertised as zigbee 3.0 devices. They pair and work with HE (thank to a driver written by @muxa). However, they are restricted to zigbee channels 15, 20, and 25. So, if you're unable to get this device to pair - try other zigbee channels.

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yeah that's the risk you take with cheap sensors

A suggestion from an earlier thread If you fancy a bit of soldering you can buy a bunch of old Iris Motion sensors off eBay:

and something like this:

and some usb charge only cables w/chargers to hook in.. they work great - the regulator fits perfectly in the battery compartment. Note: you cut off the micro usb connector and use the 2 wires inside.



I'm not quite sure why folks are so concerned with battery operated motion sensors. I've had 4 Iris motion sensors for almost 2 years on the original batteries. It's not like they run through them that quickly. By the time you pay for the power regulators and cabling and the time to solder them you could have bought 2 or 3 batteries. And you don't have wires running up your walls. And your sensors still work when the power's out.



One reason is if you want to poll the Iris sensors on a regular basis to get temperature readings. Constant polling takes a toll on battery life.

Why do you have to poll them? If the temp changes a degree it will report it, even if there's no motion.

There should be no need to poll the sensor for anything.

Mine don't report on temp change of a single degree. Maybe it the driver I'm using: 'Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor'

That's the same one I'm using. How much does it have to change for the temp to report?

I've seen jumps as high as 7 degrees between reporting intervals. I've not closely looked at the variations in awhile so it could be greater or smaller than that now. Most often single degree temperature changes do report, it's just not consistent over short time periods.

A good example is when I use one in the bathroom with the doors closed and a small ceramic heater running. I'll often see a 4-5 degree jump between each report. Since I'm (currently) using those sensors for temperature sensing to control the heater, a 5 degree variance (up or down) is pretty high if it goes beyond the set range. For example if I have the rule set to keep the temp between 60 and 65, that could give me an actual temperature range of 55-70. So what I've been doing is polling the sensor every few minutes to make sure the values get updated while the heater is on.

I plan on swapping out what I've using for temperature sensors pretty soon after some testing.

Not if you have put wiring in the ceilings back to a 12v battery back up supply :crazy_face:. Only problem is the only ones currently out there are the aeotec multi 6.

Because I am lazy and desirous of "set and forget". :rofl:

Certainly some of my less frequently used devices (closet contact sensors) last a long time but I find that my most activated devices - certain recessed door sensors, first floor motion sensors, garage motion (impacted by weather) and such all last less than a year sometimes only 6 months. Reliability is also a factor - never really sure if the batteries I'm getting from Amazon are going to be good ones or how they will hold up.

Just my 2 cents of course..

Well, if you're polling them for temp updates, sure. But I argue that should not be needed.

What was the time between those reports? Because the sensor also has a minimuim reporting time of one minute. So if the temp is raising very fast it will not report that. But I showed you a screenshot of how it reports the temp changes. Do you think I made it up? Or do you think your iris motion sensor works differently than mine?


It's been months ago since I did the testing and found that I needed to poll the sensor to get updated temperature values. I didn't spend the time to discover the reason nor did I document any timing values as it was one of the first new automations setup with Hubitat. Maybe the bathroom sensor of mine is bad, could be a different firmware version, or perhaps at the time my mesh wasn't up to snuff allowing it to report. For me it doesn't matter why as I've already modded a couple of Iris sensors to run off an external power supply for now despite having bought a hundred dollars worth of batteries (of different types) to replace any that failed in the smart home.

Eventually I plan on mounting a couple of the Iris sensors out on the (detached) carport. I've mulled around the idea of using an external battery for the 2 or 3 of them that's charged off of a small solar panel so the batteries don't need to be changed. But that's way in the future when I have a lot of my other home automation with a higher priority already setup. Right now most of the home automation is being put aside while I work on a large backup battery bank for most of my home electronics... including the smart home.

That's fine....but I don't want other people reading this post thinking that they need to poll their sensors as this will congest their mesh and slow down their hub. If you have chosen to put up with that rather than figure out what is really going on, that's your choice. But you should not have to poll those sensors.

It's been 13 months since the last post on this, so I'm reviving an old thread. Since I am looking to place this in a garage that is dealing with MN cold, i'd rather use a plug in motion/temp sensor. Any other suggestions that others have tried in the past year+?

There is a wired Zwave switch with motion sensor from GE I believe. Zooz may have something and perhaps Inovelli as well.

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