Please recommend a button device

Yes. directly connected to hubitat.

The latest firmware is not ZLL. I upgraded the firmware and paired it myself. I am using the driver made by birdslikewires with a little modification with 2 buttons.

Interesting, I'll have to see if I can update the firmware via the conbee2 stick

Is it the shortcut button you have, or the on/off buttons that come with IKEA blinds? I have the on/off ones....

I have an on/off button(E1743). I modified the shortcut button driver and used it.

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Hmm... tempting.... maybe I'll wait for a while and try it out. Good to know.

I'd suggest setting up a thread dedicated to this, not necessarily something for you to do, just a general suggestion to get the word out, if it works consistently....

Sad news.. this is a battery killer when paired from hubitat, just like ikea shortcut button.

I don't know if this is a driver problem. I don't have the ability to know that.