Pixelblaze Driver seems to be 100% functional but throws this error messages in a log:
// flags are: 1 - changed global brightness, 2 - changed pattern
def setLastControlChange(Long flags) {
// get current control change flags,add new flag and
// save
c = Long.valueOf(device.getDataValue("lastControlChange"))
c = c | flags
Is it any updates I am missing?
If "no" is it easy way to fix the driver?
Surprisingly only one out of 7 Pixelblaze Controllers exhibit this problem. All they are using
the same driver but running different patterns.
Hi Vitaly,
This may have been caused by a recent Hubitat update. I can't reproduce it here, but at least one other person has seen something similar. Try the following and see if the error goes away:
- reboot your hubitat
- go to the affected device's "Device" page and press "Initialize" to reset the all the driver's internal variables. (Optionally, you can also press "Get Patterns" while you're there to reload the pattern cache.)
Let me know if this helps!
(And if it doesn't, since it's only 1 of 7 pixelblazes, it might be interesting to check if the one that throws the exception is running different firmware than the others.)
Clicking on the "Initialize" button fixed the problem instantly.
PS. All my PBs are running 3.47 firmware.