Pioneer AVR (LAN ethernet) New Driver

Thanks! I'll give that a try tomorrow. Tired from climbing up my Hubitat learning curve.

Yup, it’s a bit of a hill. It took me a while to get get a handle on some of the basics and I still have some climbing to do.

See it you can telnet to the Pioneer ip address

I found the command here

I had an older pioneer receiver so I was able to telnet to port 8102 .

Have a look to a my previous post. (I cannot link it by my phone now..) in this topic. Many new Pioneer needs Onkyo driver.

Thanks, but I can't even get to show up in Lan discovery.

Is there a chance we can get a copy of the driver code added to github and linked here? I would love to be able to change the commands/code to work with my Pioneer receiver and add it as a custom driver on my Hubitat. I have no issues reading and modifying code, but creating from scratch is a slow and painful process for me especially knowing that there is a version that is somewhat already working for my device (mute and volume adjustments don't work).

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Hi All - I'm brand new to hubitat and had a basic need to turn on multizones for an older pioneer receiver. It seems like the offical one isn't kept up (why isn't that public code? Seems silly but I digress). The offical driver obivously doesn't support multizone so I created a driver that works for power + volume up/down and mute. It's basically just copied from Steve Vibert (@SteveV)" Onkyo and modified for Pioneer.

I doubt I'll keep up with it as I currently have no requirements other than power / on off. I thought it might be useful for others. If anyone wants to contribute feel free (unless you're going to comment on my crappy code ;-p ). Input control would be great.

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