Phone vs. Phone (sorry)

It's almost like one side needs to p!$$ their customers off enough to make then switch, then draw them back with a killer feature... Though you would want to have that feature in the bank... Seems like the only ploy to break the status quo...



I use iphone and Homekit (and occasionally my iwatch). That said I primarily use Windows (and dual boot to Ubuntu when needed). I don't see a conflict or a lack of "fit" to be honest. Everything works as it should and I don't feel that I compromised on anything.

That said my favorite android phone was an HTC One X Plus. Fabulous phone..... Until att wouldn't release the available OS updates. As app updates progressed., the phone because buggy and slow until it just became unusable. (I should have bought a google branded version) This caused me to go back to my iphone... Why? Because it just works. I also don't worry about personal data, Walled garden? Meh.... I use only a handful of apps that everyone else uses and a couple of custom ones. I don't really notice the walled garden aspect.... But again, everything JUST WORKS. I also love I can block Facebooks targeted advertising.


Is not as much as features, but experience. Most people sign up for Apple because "it just works". Others stick with Android because it's most flexible, and with anything that offers flexibility, the field is full of landmines.


I do my best to deliver where I can... :wink:

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