Phone not listed on second hub?

I must be lucky! :grinning:

If they are on the same network, just used Hub Mesh to push your phone device from your main hub to the second one. Easy peasy.

If they are on separate networks, the using one of the workarounds or something like hub connect would let you do the same thing.

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This just can’t be a limitation. I’ll send the hub back. This should work out of the box.

Try what I suggested to get your phone to show up as a mobile device on your other hub.

As it's not a hardware or software design failure it likely won't be taken back. Perhaps @gopher.ny or @bobbyD can chime in here.

Are the hubs on the same network?

Resetting the hub wouldn't help resolve your problem. Please follow what @kampto suggested here: Phone not listed on second hub? - #17 by kampto and you should be good to go.

You are close, but not quite there. You receive notification on the last mobile device you logged into the Mobile app, regardless of which hub is sending the notification.

For example, I am logged into my Garage hub, and using the same mobile device on 2 hubs, and get notifications from both:

Notifications from both hubs:


No different networks.

That’s what I did now to test. Thanks guys for helping out.

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