"Past Tense" Conditions in HE?

Not sure how to phrase this. I'm a recent convert from ST, I'm used to doing most of my automations in WebCore.

In WebCore, I recall there was the ability to have conditions based on past sensor data, like " IF Sensor X motion was active in the last 20 minutes, THEN...

I don't see the ability to do this in HE but I"m probably missing something obvious. Anyone?

There is a concept of "sticky" triggers, where you can say a sensor has stayed in a state for X amount of time.


In case you are not aware, webcore is a built in app in HE. If you have automations in webcore for your devices in ST you can import them to HE and pretty much use them as is.



I assumed it was cloud based execution. Is it local? Even so, I have to say as Ive begun to get the hang of it, Im liking rule machine.

Yes, the actual webCoRE engine and all of the Pistons run locally on the Hubitat hub. Only the webCoRE web-based GUI is cloud hosted.


I understand. I wasn't a big user of webcore but I had a moderate number of pistons when I came over from ST. Back then webcore was a community supported app and there was some misinformation out there about it being cloud based and that it could cause issues with your hub if you ran it. I brought all my pistons over and got them working in HE. Being worried about the problems some had said it would cause, I started moving all my pistons to RM. Like you I found that I liked using RM better. I still have webcore installed but I only use the graphing capability of it now.

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Oooo! I forgot about the graphing capability! I need to get that up and running.