Panic button-Samsung Button pushed itself?

So I have this Samsung Zigbee button(Samjin Mfg) as a panic button on a nightstand, if held HSM goes into night mode, where it triggers without delay. This morning no one is near the button and it reports "held-digital", triggering hsm into night mode. I tried to run to the keypad to disarm, but too late and it woke the whole neighborhood with 7 sirens. The button battery reports 65% (2.95Volts). On
Anyone seen these phantom presses? there are no temp or battery reports around the time of the phantom held event. Oh and disarm/cancel never turns off the sirens immediately, but that's another issue

What kind of battery? CR2450? That may be dying.

A bit off topic - when I woke up this morning I noticed the light was on in my office. After some investigation I found the Samsung SmartThings (Samjin) motion sensor in the office had been flipping between active and inactive for several hours while we were asleep and the office door was closed. Battery (CR2) was showing about 65%. I couldn't make it go inactive, even placing it face down on my desk for several minutes. Replaced the battery, everything is working.

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Yes those buttons use 2450's. For most other devices 2.95volts is fine. The battery was installed 11/2020 new and the button is never used outside of a monthly press to validate reporting.
The button has been in place since 6/2019 and has never done it, before the last upgrade. Wondering if driver/zigbee updates might be the cause.

Same happened to me but the battery report was lower than that if I remember right. This kind of behavior from a dying battery makes me think I should get rid of those motion sensors or get them mains powered. Will see how they behave next time the battery dies but it's not looking good. Too bad because I like them a lot when they work.

But I doubt that would be the problem with the button remote, you would need to physically press the button, I can't see why the firmware would send a push-held command to the hub due to a dying battery?

I didn't think so, but apparently it's happened before.

I have three of these buttons. I haven't seen any problems. I'm on The buttons are joined to a C-7 hub.

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24+ buttons installed at various locations and 7 here at home never seen a phantom push of the button "yet!". I probably just jinxed myself.


Thank you for the feedback

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