Pairing Iris orbit garden hose valve


I am attempting to pair. I have 2 that I previously used on SmartThings.

I reset the device by pushing the reset button five times.

I start the pairing process in Hubitat.

Hubitat says found device and initializing, but it never completes.

Rebooted hub and then tried a couple of times and same thing every time.

I am on a c8 hub at latest firmware

Anyone still using these devices?

Thanks in advance

@mike.maxwell Any advice on this unit?

Mine paired just fine and continues to work well on a C7.

Anything showing up in the hub logs while attempting to pair?


Thanks for responding

sys:12023-06-26 09:14:53.352 AMinfoInitializing Zigbee Device 4467550000005740, FF39

sys:12023-06-26 09:14:47.990 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Running

When I hit cancel is starts discovery again by itself

sys:12023-06-26 09:17:40.728 AMinfoInitializing Zigbee Device 4467550000005740, FF39

sys:12023-06-26 09:17:40.526 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12023-06-26 09:17:39.758 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Stopped

There is a symbol for wireless on the device. When I click the reset button it flashes. When I do zigbee discovery when the hub says initializing device the blinking wireless symbol becomes solid.

I suspect it's an issue with the c8... Seems a few devices get weird with the 3.0 controller... I know mike has solved the issue with a lot of them.

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I'm not familiar with this particular device but if it's an IRIS V1 device then it won't pair to a C8. I believe this happened around

Thanks how do I know what version I have?

When I hit cancel on zigbee add device it fails an OTA firmware, stated to check if device supports OTA.

Don’t these have to be Iris version 2 if they worked worked with s,artthings?

The Iris contact sensors and motion sensors all paired and are working

It is not.

It’s an iris-branded device made by Orbit that uses the standard ZHA 1.2 profile AFAIK.

That is correct.

So @rlithgow1 is right that it could be a different zigbee-related issue specific to the C8.

@ProfessorDave it’s usually easier for others to view the log output if you can share as a screenshot rather than straight copy/paste the text output.


It isnt. Customer sent me one to test, it joined and operated just fine on the first attempt.


What about if it's going through a specific type of repeater? Wasn't that an issue with a device previously or am I misremembering?

That could make a difference.

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@ProfessorDave Can you pair it right next to the hub?

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Sure will try that next

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Good advice to pair close to hub first.

Have multiple units working on a C5 running .146 repeated through Ikea repeaters.
Found and Configured as Orbit Hose Water Timer

two versions:

  • firmwareMT: 111B-0000-00272000
  • manufacturer: Orbit
  • model: HT8-ZB
  • softwareBuild: 00272000


  • firmwareMT: 111B-0000-33002000
  • manufacturer: Orbit
  • model: HT8-ZB
  • softwareBuild: 33002000

Well my thought process is that there were some issues with some devices pairing through a repeater not pairing where as if you eliminated the repeater it paired. (C8 only)

Actually, in general that is the opposite of what staff (notably @mike.maxwell) recommend.

But as Rick points out, the zigbee 3.0 controller in the C8 introduces another variable that has been seen in other similar situations, and might be related to the Zigbee routing devices that are in use.

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Don’t know, paired it right there and the pairing does not complete.

No try the opposite. Pair it next to a mains based repeater that isn't 3.0..(like a switch or outlet)

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