Override dimmer automation

I have this 4.0 rule....

Say, it is between 1:00AM and 7:00 AM, I want to manually turn dimmer up to 100 and keep it there until I leave the room. How would I accomplish this?

Have you looked at Motion Lighting? It can handle this kind of "override" with the flick of an option in the UI, a lot less work than emulating that behavior in a rule.

Unrelated to this question: your rule also has a few problems. If Bathroom 1 isn't active, your first (and second) IF will always evaluate to false due AND and OR being evaluated left to right with equal precedence, so your lights won't turn on. You can fix this by adding parentheses around your three sensors or combining them into a single "any" condition. You're also missing a "Cancel Delayed Actions" action, so that "off" action is never actually getting unscheduled with new motion.

Have I mentioned Motion Lighting yet? :slight_smile:

Corrected for "ANY" motion...

I'll look at "motion Lighting". I would still like to be able to do the automation myself.

*looked a t "motion lighting". Utter confusion ....... :woozy_face:

There is still the problem with delay/cancellation. There's a basic motion lighting example in the Rule 4.0 docs, which I'd highly recommend reading before going too far.

To add the "override" thing, I think that would be best done using another rule that modifies the Private Boolean on this rule. (You could probably find a way to cram something into this one rule, but simple rules are generally best; add too many triggers for different things--all of which makes your Actions run--and it gets hard to figure out why your actions are running or what to do.) In the other rule, I'd probably use Bathroom lights level *changed* as the trigger, with actions like:

IF (Time Between 1 AM and 7 AM EST AND Bathroom Lights level = 100) THEN
  Set Private Boolean False: First Rule
  Set Private Boolean True: First Rule

In your first rule (above), you could then check for the private boolean being true/false before turning off (or not) the lights if it's between that timeframe. This is a bit vague, partly because I'm not guaranteeing there isn't some logical condition I haven't considered but also because you can customize the actual logic to suit what you really want. :slight_smile: Hopefully that's helpful; I could spell this out in an example rule (or two) with what I'm thinking if not.

PS - Add an END-IF to the end of your rule to be nice. RM will imply it for you, but it's good practice (and necessary unless it's the end where it will correctly guess). I'd also recommend again considering Motion Lighting, which can already do all of this and is likely to run a bit faster (often an important consideration with lighting automations) since it's a smaller app.

Good luck!

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